I have some very sad but happy news. The happy part is that someone turned this precious dog into me. The sad news is that it seems like this dog has known nothing but abuse and neglect all its life. I thought he was a puppy considering how tiny he was but he is 3 years old. He is so underweight and has not been fed for who knows how long. Someone poured what seems to be Acid all over his back and head. Who could do such a thing??????? The acid ate away at his backbone and absorbed internally causing major damage to his spine and GI track. His poor little back looks all twisted up. It could be from an infection from the chemicals or from abuse. I immediately took him to the vet and he is on a lot of medications to help get his tummy feeling better and his nerve pain to go away. I have him on a special diet that will help with future arthritis and joint pain. I would like to start lazer treatment on his scarring to help relieve him of some scar tissue, inflammation and nerve pain. We need donations for this sweet baby boy. We need to find this sweet baby a forever loving home that will show him that not all humans are evil and cruel. We need to find who did this to him and demand JUSTICE!
If anyone would open their hearts up to adopting this sweet baby boy he will love you forever. He is full of love and hates being left alone for too long. He seems to get along great with other dogs and kids.
I will get some cuter pictures of him soon because these pictures don’t even do justice of how cute this little guy is.
Please considering donating to help us pay for his medical care. Any amount helps. DONATE NOW