Samson went in for a routine neuter and they discovered that he was cryptorchid which means that one of his testicles hadn't dropped yet. They performed the surgery he needed to find and remove the lost testicle. A few days later Samson got really sick and his skin ripped back open. He had formed a really bad infection from the inside which is not normal and was unexpected. This is the second dog that has gone in for a routine neuter and has come out with a horrible infection with unknown causes. Our vet went in and then found that the abdominal wall was open, the stitches that were used were loose. They had to go in and repair his stomach and put drains in him. He is still in the hospital and they are wanting to keep him for a few days. It is $100 per night to hospitalize him.
We were not prepared for this. We rescued Samson because his vetting was covered by the shelter and knew we didn't have the funds to take on another dog with medical needs. We will have to take a pause on rescuing medical case dogs until we can pay off his medical bills. Please help in anyway that you can.