Sasha was owner surrendered to the shelter in horrible condition. We thought it was pyometra and something that could be treated with surgery but it was far worse. She was severely anemic, had a severe UTI, her blood levels were so low, and she was so lethargic and unresponsive. We did a blood transfusion that stabilized her but unfortunately the next day her blood levels dropped again and the vet suspected cancer. We still didn't want to give up on her. We ordered X-rays to try and find the cancer and ran more tests to see how we could help her and hoped it wasn't too late. Last night Sasha crashed, became unresponsive and went into multi organ failure. She didn't make it 🙁
We did everything we could to try and save her. With your support we are able to give our rescue dogs the best care possible. We are able to save urgent dogs in need of urgent medical care with your donations. You are saving lives when you donate because 100% of all donations go strictly to vet bills.
Please help us raise donations so we can pay off Sashas vet bill. By doing so we will be able to pay off our bills so we can save the next urgent dog in need of medical care. Although it wasn't the outcome we had hoped for we were able to do everything we could for her because of our amazing supporters like yourself. We appreciate you all so much and couldn't do this without you.